Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Support Adoption Blogging!

The news in the blog world is that Veronique (who processes the final referral email) is "upcountry" for today but is doing everything possible to get the referrals out by friday. The court shut down in December is scary. I am hoping and praying that she really does help us out.

I also want to add what a WONDERFUL support network we have via blogs. We are on two informal group email lists- one by Mugisha Ministries who helps people adopt independantly from Rwanda, (our friend Tina) and another or 9 families who linked up over blogs and we are all awaiting our referrals.

I would strongly suggest if you are adopting from any country you find other families in the same position as you on the blogs and contact them, and send a group email out once a week or so with updates, prayer requests, love and support for each other. It's a fantastic way to help each other and lift each other up during the hard wait.

One concern I have is I have heard that several families have agencies that have not allowed them to have a public blog. I feel this is a TERRIBLE and UNETHICAL restriction placed on a family and on the adoption world. I certainly understand not posting information on children to protect them but posting over paperwork and trials of paperchase should be a basic (American!) freedom0- freedom of speech, freedom of press! . If you agency doesn't want you to have a blog you need to ask why. My feeling is they don't want the realities of adoption publicized (the frusteration, the waits, the hold ups etc) But these things are part of adoption for better or for worse and only by sharing the expereinces can we collectively life each other up and give support. Up until you get your referral there is no danger to any child by posting this process. If there was, I wouldn't be posting. I think the agencies don't want the world to know about their imperfections, customer service (or lack of) etc. For the money people pay agencies they should publish the blog FOR you!! LOL. If you have a good agency with nothing to hide they will welcome blogging as a support network and ways to meet other families.

Just a thought while I wait (with my bloggy friends) on the Lord for our baby...


Jenny said...

oh i hope she does get everything out by friday! i agree with the private thing. ours wanted it private b/c of sharing info about our child. but we don't have a child yet... anyway, i've already made the switch, so i don't think i'll go unprivate only to go back to private when we get a referral. but i do try to put stuff out there other ways and always offer to share my blog with anyone i meet b/c the blogging world has been so amazing to us through this!

One Hot Homestead said...

"Bloggy Friends" Made me laugh, and I sure need a laugh right now!

Kat said...

We haven't "talked" before but I follow your blog. My husband and I are in the very beginning process of adopting from Rwanda and I am an avid blogger. I definitely feel as though it is an important way to get support, give support, get out frustration, and document this life changing process. Thanks for the encouragement! Can't wait till you get your referral!

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