Saturday, December 6, 2008

christmas party

Tonight was Bill's Christmas party at work and it was so exciting to share the news with all the wives of Bill's coworkers. Everyone I told was thrilled for us and I got re-energized again for "The Process" I am firmly beginning to think it will be a boy, and I want to name him Elijah. Bill dreamt Emilia's name so I hope I get to pick our new son's name :) The homestudy woman Megan emailed me yesterday and said she got the application. We're scheduling a homestudy for Dec. 28th ! Yeah!

Emilia had a great time w/ nanny and pap tongiht and reveled in her giant bin of beanie babies. It's with utter delight I watch her bounce around neck high in toys, but the back of my mind thinks of my son or daughter laying in an orphanage bed in Africa all alone, hungry, dirty, with no stimulation whatsoever and I get so upset. They keep playing that Christmas song about "there won't be snow in Africa this Christmas, the greatest gift they get is life" (I think it's "band-aid" circa 1980's) and this year hearing it sends a direct hit to my heart. That song is not about "kids" somewhere, but about MY CHILD. I feel a desperation that this paperwork takes so long. Where is my CA birth certificate??? Arnold!!???

So you, dear reader, when you hear a song like that, or see those kids on TV's "save the children" with flies all over them, think- what can you DO??? Happy thoughts & warm fuzzies & "Oh, isn't that sad?" sent their way does not lower infant mortality rates or reverse starvation. Like Nike says- JUST DO IT. I'm not saying everyone should go adopt an african baby, but I am saying you should DO that good deed you've been thinking about, like volunteering at the homeless shelter, visiting that elderly neighbor, or writing a friend a word or encouragement. Last time I checked, none of us were getting any younger. . If not today, when?
Carpe Diem, yo.

In other news, my cat, Brown Mouse, (otherwise known as Meow Tse Tung, or TheMostWonderfulBeautifulCatontheFaceofthePlanet, also known as my Cat Husband) has a rotten tooth. His stank breath has been really bad the last few weeks and multiple examinations of his upper teeth revealed only mild tartar, but I finally made him open his whole mouth only to find...the cause of Stank Breath, a rotten tooth. Oh, the horror! Although it does explain why, as Jenniwon said, "is that his breath or did he fart?" Ouch. I will squeeze him on my wednesday sx schedule for a tooth extraction. My baby! (my cat baby that is...)

Well, on that note, good night all. Good night, my little ones. One with me in my home & heart, and one only in my heart. For now.

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